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CarniTrack mobile app

CarniTrack mobile app

CarniTrack is a mobile application designed for large carnivore mappers – volunteers, professional biologists, or park rangers. It allows the parallel recording of the traveled route (transects) into GPX format and simultaneous logging of findings: especially signs of large carnivores, photographs and recording additional information. It is also possible to record the occurrence of other animal species independently, without the need to record the traveled route.

All information can be sent to the Selmy.cz web interface, where it can be further edited and sent to the large carnivore monitoring coordinators for approval.

Successful login to the application requires prior registration directly within the app.

The application has been enhanced by Hnutí DUHA Šelmy based on an update of the original Shelmon app, within the project "Supporting the Coexistence and Protection of Carpathian Large Carnivores (LECA)" supported under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program co-financed by the European Union (ERDF).



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created by Michal Kandr