Česká verze

CarniTrack online database

CarniTrack online database

The mobile application CarniTrack has been developed for easy data collection in the field during large carnivore surveys and for observations reporting. The app captures images, GPX tracks, coordinates and all relevant metadata during field trips. The application has been enhanced by Hnutí DUHA Šelmy based on an update of the original Shelmon app, within the project "Supporting the Coexistence and Protection of Carpathian Large Carnivores (LECA)" supported under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program co-financed by the European Union (ERDF).

All data are uploaded to the central online database in structured form for validation and further analysis conducted by experts from Mendel University and FoE CZ. The data are objectively assessed in the desktop application based on the SCALP methodology, using a scale of data verifiability ranging from the most stringent category C1 ("hard data" - pictures, dead animals, genetic) to evidential data, through the documented records of tracks, scat, and other indirect signs of occurrence (C2) to unverifiable public reports (C3).

The desktop version is available at https://mapovani.selmy.cz (works without the need for installation of special software). Registration is necessary.



Copyright © Hnuti DUHA Olomouc

created by Michal Kandr