European wildcat
The elusive and extremely rare European wildcat (Felis silvestris) has only recently started to reappear in the Czech Republic after being extinct from our nature at the beginning of the 19th century. Their secretive way of life, low population density and the possible confusion with a feral domestic cat make the monitoring of the species very difficult. So far, the records only confirm the sporadic occurrence of single animals probably coming from the relatively strong German population and the populations in Slovakia.
Photo: Jaroslav Vogeltanz
The cross-breeding with domestic cats and the loss of natural habitats pose the main threats to the survival of wildcats that thrive in native forests undisturbed by human activity. Heavy road traffic is the common cause of wildcat mortality, as is "accidental" shooting of animals confused by gamekeepers for feral cats.
Confirmed records of wildcat in the Czech Republic after 2010. Authors: M.Kutal & J. Pospíšková, 2016.