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Your donation allows us to protect them
Support our project aimed at the protection of lynx, wolves, and bears in the Beskydy Mountains. We help large carnivores to return into our landscape. Tell me more...
Support the protection of large carnivores. It’s very simple!
With your donation we can protect them
Support our project aimed at the protection of lynx, wolves, and bears in the Beskydy Mountains. We help large carnivores to return to their original homelands from where they were extinct over a century ago.
Why should you make your donation right now?
Large carnivores at the edge of the Western Carpathians are threatened by many human activities such as illegal hunting, or construction of new roads fragmenting important wildlife corridors and core habitats. Friends of the Earth Czech Republic are working hard to eliminate these threats. Voluntary "Wolf Patrols" are conducting the field monitoring of large carnivores and helping to reduce the risks of poaching. Sharing information with the public (through media, programmes for schools and other awareness-raising campaigns) helps to spread an objective knowledge about large carnivores. The project also promotes a better protection of large carnivores’ habitat and important wildlife corridors. To this end, we communicate with relevant authorities and participate in decision-making processes. We are also cooperating with our international partners in efforts to limit the legal wolf hunting in the neighbouring Slovakia.